Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hot Rocks Float Higher on Earth’s Molten Core?

In a recent article published in the the June,2007 issue of Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth two scientists offer a another factor to be considered in the Climate change discussion.
Here are excerpts of the news release from the University of Utah:

  • “Scientists usually attribute the buoyancy and elevation of various continental areas to variations in the thickness and mineral composition (and thus density) of crustal rocks. But Chapman says researchers have failed to appreciate how heat makes rock in the continental crust and upper mantle expand to become less dense and more buoyant.

  • "We found a good explanation for the elevation of continents," Hasterok says. "We now know why some areas are higher or lower than others. It's not just what the rocks are made of; it's also how hot they are."

In effect the two scientists,Derrick Hasterok and David Chapman of the University of Utah,say that their theory is:

that Rock structure that is warmer than other similar rock masses, is less dense and will rise up higher in elevation above the Earth's molten core.

The dynamic between molten rock under water and rock in the atmosphere is mentioned in the study.

Just like sticking your finger into the crust of a Hot Cherry pie, first depresses the surface, and then breaks through, causing the hot contents to spill out over the pie crust surface ,so it is with the earth’s mantle and molten core.

The News release about the study gives an additional perspective to the discussion of global warming and cooling by describing the process where molten lava flowing onto the seabeds around the earth cools, becomes more dense and pushes the mantle down into the molten (liquid) core.This causes uplift of the Warmer more bouyant Rock above sea level that is exposed to the Atmosphere.

The stresses caused in the Earth’s mantle, from a LAVA Lamp type dynamic plays an important part in understanding climate change. If you have ever watched a LAVA Lamp for any extended period of time you will observe the globules rise and then cool and descend back down to the lamp in the base of the Lamp in an endless cycle, at least while the power is on to the lamp.

The Earth’s molten core has a similar circulation pattern.

THINK: Where in the rise and fall ,Heating and Cooling Cycle ,of the Earth’s Molten Core, are we right Now?

Ice Ages happened without man’s intervention and so have warming periods.

How else would anyone explain the following:

· Ferns and Breadfruit fossils in Greenland
· Continents shifting
· Periods of Volcanic Eruptions
· Submergence of Ancient Cites that at one time where above sea level.

Today you can Scuba Dive over a complete city in 30 feet of water,located miles from the existing coast of present day Egypt .A city that was above WATER within the Last 2,200 years.

According to some of todays "scientists" ,some one must of ran their SUV too long 2,200 years ago!

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